
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

World's 26 Richest Men = 3.8 Billion Poorest

The rich folks are getting ready to meet in Davos to discuss the New World Order and figure out how they can get everyone on planet earth under one health insurance, one government, one global warming plan, no guns in anyone's hands (except theirs) and lots of other pet projects that the Antichrist will take over when he gets revealed.

Trump said he wasn't going to Davos and blamed the Government Shutdown as a reason.

At the same time as the Davos is getting started, Oxfam delivered it's message that the wealth on planet earth seems to be getting terribly skewed.  The billionaires keep growing their wealth by 12-15% year over year but the poor folks seem to be getting poorer.

Global wealth inequality widened last year as billionaires increased their fortunes by $2.5 billion per day, anti-poverty campaigner Oxfam said in a new report.

While the poorest half of humanity saw their wealth dwindle by 11%, billionaires’ riches increased by 12%. The mega-wealthy have also become a more concentrated bunch. Last year, the top 26 wealthiest people owned $1.4 trillion, or as much as the 3.8 billion poorest people. The year before, it was the top 43 people.

Oxfam’s annual study, released as political and business leaders prepare to descend on Davos for the World Economic Forum, emphasized that this growing inequality is compromising the fight against poverty.

“The size of your bank account should not dictate how many years your children spend in school, or how long you live – yet this is the reality in too many countries across the globe,”said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International.


Hmmmm…Really??  And WHOSE fault is it that many of those countries are crap-holes that NO ONE wants to immigrate to and EVERYONE living there would love to leave?  Or that their people are so corrupt they would steal lunch money and pencils from their own school kids?  Or that the drug cartels are so vicious that people are scared to go to schools?  Or that Muslim wackos have been given such a presence in their country that they attack schools that don't teach their version of Islam and kill all the kids so that folks are scared to send their kids to school?

Oh and don't get me started on how EVERYONE should get equal life expectancies??  Give me a break!!

You can bet your lucky dollar that Oxfam is made up ENTIRELY of Bernie Sanders supporters and guessing you wouldn't find any Oxfam employees who have a biblical worldview.

Now, with all that being said, we are well aware that a certain immorality has been sweeping across the world that tells even the richest folks that "enough is never enough".  We realize that many of these wealthy folks have NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ or quite possibly they would have given most of their wealth to Kingdom Work.

One day, maybe soon, the rich folks of the earth are going to scream and cry when they see their precious wealth all become worthless in less than an hour.  This is going to happen during the Great Tribulation and we have an idea that the fire has been kindled for this event.

Revelation 18  
They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: “‘Woe! Woe to you, great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’

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