
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Christians Who Refuse to Share the Gospel

America used to be the top country for exporting missionaries to share Jesus Christ to the world...but not so much anymore.
The vast majority of practicing Christian millennials believe that knowing Jesus is "the best thing that could happen to someone," while nearly half believe evangelizing is wrong, a study conducted by the Barna Group reported.

In a study entitled "Reviving Evangelism," the Barna Group, a research center that tracks faith and spirituality in American life, reported that 94% of practicing American Christian agreed that "the best thing that could ever happen to someone is for them to know Jesus." 
On the other hand, the same study found that 47% of Christian millennials believe that evangelism is wrong. 

Specifically, they believe that it's "wrong to share one's personal beliefs with someone of a different faith in hopes they will one day share the same faith."

Part of their unwillingness to share their faith, a different Barna study called "Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age" reported, seems to be that the generation entitle millennials believe that people are more likely now to be offended by someone who shares their faith.

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