
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Iran Threatens to Wipe Out Israel in 3 Days

Oh!  How the nations rail against your holy people!

Of course the irony here is that Ezekiel 38 says that when God destroys the enemy army, Iran includes, that Israel will be burying IRANIAN dead soldiers for 7 months!

A TOP Iranian general yesterday claimed his country could defeat Israel “in three days” should their conflict come to an all-out war.

Brigadier General Hossein Salami added that they “will not find enough graves to bury their dead”, according to the Times of Israel. Mr Salami, second-in-command of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) claimed Iran has developed a “strategic capacity” to beat their enemy. He said: “We warn them that if a new war breaks out, it will result in their termination.”

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