
Friday, February 15, 2019

Israel Looking Forward to Trump Peace Plan

We know that when the Antichrist comes he will CONFIRM a peace plan that is already in place regarding Israel and it's hateful neighbors.

So could THIS BE the peace plan talked about?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Vice President Mike Pence met in Warsaw Thursday, where the Israeli leader said he was eager to learn details of the Trump administration’s peace plan for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“I look forward to seeing the plan once it is presented,” Netanyahu said to Pence ahead of talks they held at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
While they are saying "Peace and Safety" destruction will come upon them suddenly.
Zechariah says that 2/3 of the Jews will die in the coming Holocaust that the Antichrist will bring upon them.
Thank you Jesus that all your followers will have flown away before this dreadful day comes upon planet earth.

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