
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Record Breaking Preemie Baby Goes Home

Abortion talk is all in the news again this week as the Democrats try and decide what should happen if an abortion goes foul and the baby is delivered.  Should the doctor now have to try and save the baby's life?  Or should he be able to "finish the job" and kill the baby...since that's what he started to do in the first place?

The confused women who support killing babies as THEIR RIGHT force themselves to believe that the baby in them is part of THEIR BODY so they should be able to destroy it just like they would have a tumor removed or decide to have their uterus removed.

But science just keeps chipping away at their evil ideas.  First we came up with a sonogram which allowed ladies to see a beating heart and the outline of the tiny little baby.  Then when we came up with 3-D graphics and tiny cameras we all could see with 100% certainty that this lump in a pregnant woman's belly WAS A BABY!!  It's not a giraffe, or baby lion or baby's a HUMAN BEING that deserves a right to live in America and pursue happiness.

Now science has taken one step further and they are able to keep preemie babies alive from an ever younger age.

 "Record-breaking" preemie weighing as much as an onion at birth goes home healthy

A baby boy weighing 268 grams

A baby born in Tokyo weighing the same as a large onion has gone home healthy. The tiny tot weighed just 268 grams — under 10 ounces — when he was delivered at 24 weeks, reportedly after he stopped growing in the womb.

He was so small he fit in an adult's cupped hands.

Keio University Hospital said the boy is believed to now hold the record for the smallest newborn boy to be discharged from a hospital in good health. The record was previously held by a boy born in Germany in 2009 weighing just 274 grams (9.6 ounces), the hospital said, citing a registry put together by University of Iowa for the world's tiniest surviving babies.

After five months of treatment, the boy now weighs just over 7 pounds, is feeding normally and has been discharged, Keio University Hospital said. He was discharged last week, two months after his initial due date, local media said.

"I can only say I'm happy that he has grown this big because honestly, I wasn't sure he could survive," the boy's mother said.


Of course if the baby had lived in the belly of a woman in certain states in America, she would have been allowed to legally have the baby killed. 

It certainly doesn't look like a lump of cells.  It looks like a baby.

Of course abortion enthusiasts want to tell us to look away and that the baby is really only a lump of different than a tumor or some other mass that has grown in their bodies

Lord, have mercy.

1 comment:

  1. If you have not seen it check out this hidden camera video by Steven Crowder at an abortion clinic. It's gut-wrenching.

    UNDERCOVER: Late-Term Abortion Clinics Exposed!

    I agree, Lord, have mercy. You wonder how long He will be patient with us as we continue to sacrifice our children to the gods of money and convenience?
