
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Coincidence? Or Godincidence?

Soon after Trump recognized Israel’s right to claim the Golan Heights and for the USA to quit referring to it as “occupied territory”, he gets a HUUUUGE piece of good news from the Mueller investigation.  Dems are so upset they can’t spit straight!  Trump rubs it in their faces.  Winning!!!

Donald Trump showed himself to be a true friend of Israel when he made the historic step of moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Last week he became the first world leader to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. His announcement came 52 years after Israel effectively annexed the region vital for national security and, most auspiciously, on the Jewish holiday of Purim.
It is interesting to note that after two years of investigation, it was announced on Friday afternoon that the soon-to-be-issued report of special counsel Robert Mueller will not include any indictments concerning collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian interference in the presidential election.
Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin, stated that there was clearly a cause-and-effect relationship between the results of the Mueller investigation and Trump’s support of Israel and recognition of the Golan.

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