
Friday, March 8, 2019

Should There Be Any Defense for Antisemite Muslim Congresswoman from Minnesota?

If you painted yourself black 35 years ago for Halloween, you might as well kiss your hope of being Governor, Senator, Judge or President goodbye.

But if you posted a hate-tweet against Jews and Israel 7 yrs ago, I guess that still allows you to be a Congresswoman and be on a powerful foreign affairs committee.

Ever since she burst onto the national political scene by winning election to the House of Representatives in November, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has presented a challenge to her party. 

Like her fellow freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Omar is a supporter of the BDS movement and a fervent opponent of Israel. But Omar has not been content to stick to critiques of Israel's government or even to efforts to promote boycotts of the only Jewish state on the planet. 

Instead, she has broadened her attacks to include supporters of Israel--both Jewish and non-Jewish, including fellow members of Congress--and stooped to using traditional anti-Semitic tropes about Jews buying power and manipulating the United States, as well as accusing Israel's supporters of dual loyalty.

This has outraged many Democrats, who rightly think that Omar means what she says when she denounces supporters of Israel as having been bought or are demonstrating dual loyalty. As a result, once again House Democrats are preparing a resolution on anti-Semitism that will attack the hate, but apparently leave out the name of the hater. 

And there's no sign that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will strip the congresswoman of her coveted seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee or do anything other than issue a slap on the wrist for her anti-Semitic recidivism.

Pelosi thought she had fixed this problem last month by forcing Omar to apologize for a previous anti-Semitic outburst. But by once again flaunting her predilection for hate publicly, Omar, who shared the cover of this month's issue of Rolling Stone magazine with Pelosi and fellow young Democrat rock star Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sent a signal that she has no fear of her party's leadership.

One of the reasons for this is that many on the left are rising to her defense.

What possible defense can there be for a member of Congress who traffics in anti-Semitism? The answer is that the left wing of the Democrats seems to have succumbed to an epidemic of whataboutism. By that I mean their response is to try and deflect attention away from her by pointing out other examples of people behaving badly and to say that Omar shouldn't be treated any worse than them.


You see if you are a white man then the Left will crucify you for something you did or said 35 years ago....but if you are a black, Muslim woman then the Left will rise to your defense.

So dumb.

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