
Monday, April 22, 2019

3 yr old Boy Tells Mom He is Transgender

The insanity continues in Hollywierd and is spreading across the country. If things continue moving this way, soon your 3 yr old could say, “Mommy I’m a monkey!”, and you will need to raise him like a monkey...because remember that 3 yr olds know exactly what’s going on in their heads!
Charlize Theron is the mother of two children, Jackson - who was adopted in 2012 - and August - who was adopted in 2015. 
Although her 7-year-old child Jackson was assigned male at birth, Theron has recently confirmed to the Daily Mail that she actually identifies as a female. 
“Yes, I thought she was a boy, too,” Theron told The Daily Mail, “Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy!'”
“So there you go! I have two beautiful daughters who, just like any parent, I want to protect and I want to see thrive,” the “Long Shot” star shared. “They were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to decide.”


  1. I want to say unbelievable, but sadly it is all too believable. I will agree that as children grow up, who they want to be, is not for the parent to decide. Just as it is not for a parent to determine where your grown children will live, who they will marry, what job they will have, their sexual preference or even if they succumb to gender dysphoria and pretend to be something they are not.

    BUT a job as a parent is to guide and protect children AS they grow so that they CAN grow into hopefully well-adjusted adults. Would Ms. Theron allow her children to play with wolves if they at three announced, "I am not a boy I am a wolf pup! Listen to me howl!" I would hope not but at this stage of the game who knows? And for those that would say, "Don't be ridiculous playing with wolves is dangerous, being transgender doesn't hurt anyone." I would point to the fact that transgenders have a suicide rate hovering around 40%!

    Here at the bottom of the page.

    I can think of a whole host of things that are dangerous that a parent should intervene in:

    - Mommy, I want to juggle knives!
    - Mommy, I am an I need to start drinking heavily now as practice.
    - Mommy, I am a mongoose like Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Will you please buy me a cobra so I can bite it at the back of the head just like him?
    - Mom, I do not really feel like I enjoy school anymore. I feel my calling at 14 is to stay at home in the basement, smoke weed, and play Call of Duty until my eyes are bleeding. Cool! Will you order some pizza?

    God help us!

  2. As a follow up to my previous comment:

    The suicide rate for the US population as a whole is 44,965 (number of suicides) in 324,459,463 (US population in 2017) or .014%. Compare that to 41% or higher for transgenders, pre or post reassignment surgery, and my wolf example seems like a better option than what Ms. Theron is doing.

    Of course, I will be the one that is called a hateful bigot because rather than pushing a three-year-old into a 40% chance of suicide I would have said, "Jackson, you may pretend to be a girl for a while if you like but you and I both know that you are not a girl. Just like we both know you are not a puppy or a tree. Both boys and girls have infinite value because they are both made in the image of God. God made you a boy, and you will grow to be a man, hopefully, a man that seeks after God's own heart. I love you, now have fun pretending you are Jackie for a while."

    Again, God help us!
