
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Carve Chicago Out of Illinois?

Lots of us folks who love in “blue states” are conservatives, but the leftists who live in our big cities end up voting is the direction they choose.  Maybe as this nation continues to separate we will need to carve up territory into red and blue in an attempt to stave off Civil War?
HR0101 was initially introduced by state Rep. Brad Halbrook, who insisted that Chicago is at the forefront of launching a full-frontal assault on the values the rest of the state holds.
“Our traditional family values seem to be under attack at every angle,” Halbrook said. “We are trying to drive the discussion to get people at the table to say these are not our values down here.”
One example of those differing ideals is Chicago’s campaign against the Second Amendment. The bill notes that many of the counties in the state are bucking Chicago’s gun policies by declaring themselves “gun rights sanctuaries.”
“Numerous counties in the southern and central parts of Illinois are approving resolutions to become sanctuary counties for gun owners, while the City of Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country,” the bill states.

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