
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Saudis Pressuring Palestinians to Accept Trump Peace Plan

Lots of stuff going on here people!!  We need to pay attention and focus our prayers!!

First off, Trump has been awesome in moving our embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital.  I believe God blessed him when he did that on Israel's 70th birthday.

Next Trump got the news that the Mueller report was a big goose egg on about the same day that he told the world that the Golan Heights was no longer considered OCCUPIED TERRITORY and that it was Israel's property.

But now he is going to release a peace plan that he has had his Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner, working on for the past few years.  And if that peace plan includes a plan to divide Jerusalem or move Jews off of Israeli land in order to appease the Arabs....then things could turn very bad for Donald Trump and that means it could turn very bad for those of us that support what he has been doing.

And now we read that the Saudis are starting to get behind the yet to be released Trump Peace Plan.

According to a report on the website Alkhaleej Online, a member of Fatah’s central committee revealed on April 20 that heavy Arab pressure was being applied to the Palestinian Authority leadership with regard to U.S. President Donald Trump’s Mideast peace plan—the so-called “deal of the century”—that the White House is expected to unveil in June. The official stated that Saudi Arabia was leading the campaign, the report said.

The source was quoted as saying: “There are Arab countries, chief among them Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, that express great interest in the American deal, and are employing every available means, including political and financial pressure, to assure that the Palestinians accept the plan, despite the risks it involves for the Palestinian cause.”

The source added that the position of the Arab countries on the deal cast a disappointing light on all their previous support for the Palestinian cause. He emphasized that the P.A. leadership would never give in to pressure, whether from the Arab states, the United States or Israel.

It should be noted that Alkhaleej Online, which is under Qatari ownership, is hostile to Saudi Arabia in light of the tensions between Doha and Riyadh.


It appears that the stage is continuing to be set for that day when the Antichrist appears in Israel and confirms a peace agreement.  But 3 1/2 years into that 7 year agreement, he will go sit in the Third Temple (which may soon be built) and he will put a cease to the sacrifices happening there and declare that HE is god.

What follows that event will be the worst events of chaos, murder and destruction that the world has EVER seen.  If Jesus didn't promise to show up and put an end to those days then nothing (no flesh) would survive.

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