
Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Name of Jesus “Harms” Muslim Lawmaker

When you run into people who claim to be Christians who insist that Muslims worship the same God as found in the Gospels, gently correct them and then shake the dust off your feet and move on.  The evidence is so overwhelming that they don’t, that it soon becomes obvious they are choosing to blind themselves in an attempt to create their own god.
“You are either for me or against me.”— Jesus
Freshman Muslim lawmaker in the Pennsylvania state house Movita Johnson Harrell was deeply offended by a Freshman Christian lawmaker saying a typical Christian prayer which mentioned Jesus’s name about twelve times.
Movita claims the prayer was meant to intentionally harm her even though the congresswoman Stephanie Borowicz said it was not meant to offend. For her, it’s a typical prayer.
Movita blamed the President and white nationalism for the congresswoman saying a prayer. She’s nothing but a bigot.

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