
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Another Pregnant Man

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It turns out that only women have a uterus.  Only women have periods.  Only women carry babies.

So when this dude showed up at the hospital complaining of stomach pains, the hospital treated him like a fat dude who was probably constipated.  He checked the box "Male" on his admittance form.

So by the time the hospital figured out "he" was a pregnant woman, the baby had died.

Another confusing headline from our confused society.

And "he" wasn't having stomach pains. "He" was losing "his" baby. (From here on, I'll drop the scare quotes and revert to reality, referring to this mother as a she.)

As reported on the Gateway Pundit, "A pregnant woman living as a transgender male arrived to a hospital with severe abdominal pains and nurses didn't immediately consider it an emergency because she appeared to be an obese man who stopped taking blood pressure medication."

Had the hospital realized what was going on, they might have been able to save the baby. Instead, a child is dead. 

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