
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bill Nye Drops F Bomb to Help Convince Us That Planet Earth is on Fire

Have you noticed how leftists love dropping the F-bomb?  I have hung around some leftist friends where it drops out of their mouth so easily that they don't even realize they are doing it.

Bill Nye claims to know exactly what is happening on planet earth with global warming.  If you disagree with him, he will use the F-bomb about 3-4 times in a 60 second clip to convince you that YOU are stupid and HE is smart.

It's funny that the Left claims to be the Anti-bullying party but really they are the bullies.

Watch Bill light the globe on fire to give us a visual that the world is on fire and then tell us to "grow the F... up!"

I'm not sure WHY leftists aren't more concerned about Yellowstone volcano blowing up and sending us all into an ice age...but I guess they must KNOW that's never going to happen but global warming FOR SURE is happening and going to kill us all.

The other funny thing is how many leftists think that there are too many people on planet earth.  So why shouldn't they welcome the fact that global warming is going to kill a whole bunch of people through famine, war, drought and displacement? 

Remember that almost 100% of leftists also fall into the category of atheist, scoffer, Bible-denier, Jesus was a good man, science is our god, evolution explains everything. According to Romans 1 it's very possible that their minds have already been given over to foolish and futile thinking.

Can you see another reason that these folks will one day turn to violence to demand and force everyone to bow to their god of science?

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