
Friday, May 31, 2019

Church Adds Medium to Their Staff

Paul warned us that in the very last days men would follow doctrines of demons.  We believe this warning will have numerous outlets for fulfillment as the Last Days progress.  How sad that it appears to be manifesting in the very church communities that people usually go to expecting to learn about Jesus.

The Vision Church of Atlanta, Georgia, a progressive congregation, has added a psychic medium who claims to commune with the dead to their staff.

Lakara Foster, who holds a doctorate of ministry from The Interdenominational Theological Center, is now a licensed minister at The Vision Church of Atlanta, Rolling Out reported. She is also the creator and star of the YouTube series “The Gift,” which she argues God told her to do. It follows her life as a medium, minister, and spiritual teacher.
“God told me to do the show. Honestly, I was reluctant at first because I felt very vulnerable and thought I would get a lot of pushback and negative feedback being a minister and a medium. I thought people wouldn’t understand but I knew I still had to do it. I knew I had been called to do it. When I asked God, ‘Why this gift? Why not singing? God said, ‘I promised my people eternal life. How will my people know that I’ve kept promise if you don’t demonstrate your gift?’” she told Rolling Out.

Foster argues that psychic mediumship should be included among the spiritual gifts of the modern Church because James 1:17 teaches that “every good and perfect gift is from above.”
So many problems here.  First off, you can't talk to dead followers of Christ because God already told us, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."  So when we die we go directly to be with Jesus and other followers.  We ARE NOT haunting this earth checking in our spouses, grand-kids and retirement parties of our still-living friends.  We have better things to do with Jesus than run around this earth pining for all the things our flesh-bound friends and family think we are "missing out on."
Also, God already spoke on this topic long, long ago when he told the Israelites to kill anyone in their camp who was summoning familiar spirits or dead people.
You see, if you can't summon followers of Christ, the ONLY other option is that you are summoning spirits from the satanic side.  They may appear as ministering spirits and/or angels of light...but they are only here to try and deceive mankind and every single turn.  And this lady and this church is falling into their trap of deceit. 
Leviticus 20
“‘A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.’”

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