
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Civil War Over Abortion?

Today we find one more headline talking about Civil War in America. 150 years ago the Democrats largely believed that black people weren’t people as they embraced the lie of evolution and thought that black people were just one step above a monkey so should be treated as such.  Today the Democrats believe the lie that a human baby in its mother’s womb isn’t a baby so can be cut and flushed as if it were some cancerous tumor invading their body. Could a Civil War divide this country over abortion?
A civil war is coming to America, only this time, it will be abortion, rather than slavery, that divides the nation. And while I hope will all my heart that it will not be a physically violent war, the ideological conflict will certainly be violent and intense.
We witnessed some of this during the hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, when the opposition to his confirmation was fierce to the point of screaming and pounding at the Senate’s doors.
This brought to my mind the famous line, “Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned,” based on which I wrote an article titled, “Prepare for the Wrath of the Pro-Abortion Militants.” The article ended by saying “that hell hath no fury like that of the militant pro-abortionists.”
The very same day my article was posted on the Stream, Jennifer Hartline posted an article on that same website, titled, “It’s Not Kavanaugh. It’s Roe.” Her article ended by saying, “They hate Kavanaugh because they love abortion and he does not. Hell hath no fury like ‘women’s rights’ scorned.”
We were hearing the same message!

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