
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Did Ihan Omar Marry Her Brother?

This would be interesting.  Maybe this info will add up to something we can use to rid Congress of this blight.

Omar faced allegations -- soon backed by a remarkable amount of evidence -- that she had married her own brother in 2009, and was still legally his wife. They officially divorced in December 2017.
The motivation for the marriage remains unclear. However, the totality of the evidence points to possible immigration fraud and student loan fraud.
Rep. Omar has stated that she did marry "British citizen" Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, though the allegation that he is her brother is "absurd and offensive."
Below, exclusive new evidence -- from official archived high school records and corroborating sources -- strongly supports the claim that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is indeed her brother.
As this implicates Rep. Omar in multiple state and federal felonies, I have contacted the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota to submit all other information uncovered during our investigation.

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