
Friday, May 10, 2019

War Coming for Israel This Summer

Hamas just shot 700 missiles into Israel last week.  According to a leader of Islamic Jihad, those missiles were just a practice run for a bigger war that they wage against Israel this summer.

A leader of the Islamic Jihad said in a televised interview that he expects war with Israel to break out by next summer.

Speaking to Al Mayadeen, a Lebanese news channel, on Tuesday night, Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziad al-Nahala described the most recent escalation against Israel as “just preparation for the greater battle.”


As the Muslims, many of them angry, begin to fast for Ramadan, many more will become grumpy.  Then when they go to mosque for evening prayers their Imam might remind them that NAKBA Day is coming which commemorates the CATASTROPHE of the Arab armies trying to destroy Israel in 1948 but instead losing even more territory.  Many times the angry, grumpy, hungry Muslims will come out of their mosques and have a desire to attack Israel.

So remember to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and pray for the lost Muslims who have rejected Jesus Christ and are worshiping a false god they call Allah.  Pray that the hunger they feel during Ramadan will cause them to see more dreams of visions of Jesus Christ and they will accept Him as savior.

Acts 4:12
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

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