
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Biggest Animal Disease Outbreak EVER

There will be pestilence and famine during the Great Tribulation.  Could this be one other sign that we are approaching these days?

"Biggest Animal Disease Outbreak Ever" Has Already Killed Millions...And There's "No Way To Stop It"

We have never seen an animal disease outbreak like this before, and it is rapidly getting worse.  African Swine Fever, also referred to as “pig Ebola”, has already wiped out millions upon millions of pigs and it continues to spread to even more countries. 

There is no vaccine and there is no cure, and so essentially we don’t have any way to stop this disease.  At this point, the only solution is to kill all the pigs wherever the virus is found and desperately hope that it doesn’t spread anywhere else.  But that approach clearly hasn’t been working, and according to a recent Fox News report this epidemic has now become the “biggest animal disease outbreak we’ve ever had on the planet”

China is the epicenter for this outbreak, and it is also home to half of all the pigs in the world.
Actually, to be more accurate, I should say that it used to be home to half of all the pigs in the world.
In a normal year, China slaughters approximately 700 million pigs.  But according to Rabobank, that number will be down 30 percent this year due to this outbreak…


Remember friends, the rapture of the church is a sign-less event.  There is nothing that HAS to happen before Jesus comes to snatch his bride (the church) away from this fallen planet...BUT there are plenty of things that HAVE TO HAPPEN before Christ returns to set up his Millennial Kingdom.

So we should be living our lives as if Christ could come for us at any time.  That IS our blessed hope and it should help us to live our lives staying focused on our mission.  Jesus planned it this way so that the belief in His imminent rapture would help us to live pure lives.

We are watching and waiting for Christ to come!...NOT watching and waiting for the Antichrist to come and beat the living crap out the Bride of Christ.

2nd Corinthians 7
Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

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