
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Children Used as Suicide Bombers

Some Leftists have said to me that Christianity is equally as violent as Islam.  When I give them a puzzled look they say, "Remember the crusades!"

Really?  If you press them on exactly what the crusades are and how many people were killed and by whom...they will say, "Well I don't know exactly, but it was a lot and Christians did all the killing!"

Not true.

But here is a truth, followers of Jesus have NEVER used little kids strapped with explosives to go into a marketplace and blow up the kids and the bystanders in service to their God.

Do you know has?  Yep!  Muslims worshiping their god, Allah and his prophet Muhammad.

Children were used as suicide bombers in a triple attack in Nigeria on Monday, Unicef has said. 

Two girls and a boy carried out the bombing outside a video hall in Konduga village in north-eastern Borno State, the UN children's charity said. Their ages are not yet known. 

Officials say at least 30 people were killed and 40 injured in the attack. 

The bombing is believed to have been carried out by the Boko Haram jihadist group. It has not yet commented. 

According to Unicef, five children have been used in suicide attacks since the beginning of the year.
In 2018, 48 children were used as human bombs in Nigeria, including 38 girls.

"Unicef appeals to all those involved in this terrible conflict to protect children at all times and to keep them out of harm's way," the organisation said. 

Formed in Borno State, Boko Haram has waged a brutal insurgency across the north-east for a decade. 

As part of the ongoing armed conflict, thousands of children have been recruited and used by armed groups as combatants and non-combatants.

Unicef said girls are raped and forced to marry, with some becoming pregnant in captivity and giving birth without medical care. 


Can't you just imagine the Unicef spokeswoman with her Birkenstocks, unshaven legs, LGBTQ bracelet and #LoveWins button stepping in front of the camera and saying, "Unicef appeals to all those involved in this terrible conflict to protect children at all times and to keep them out of harm's way."

I'm sure Boko Haram is listening and trembling in their sandals about Unicef's appeal.

And of course Unicef could never say, "We appeal to the followers of Muhammad involved in this conflict to QUIT BLOWING UP LITTLE KIDS!!  You militant Muslims are worse than animals!!  Even animals don't think of throwing their babies to the crocodiles, yet you clowns strap bombs to babies and laugh!  If you don't cease this practice immediately, UNICEF is going to call on some huge dudes with really big guns, tanks and helicopters and they are going to rain holy-hell down on your heads!"

They can't say that because they are against guns and violence.

Peace be upon them.

All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men (and the women who support them) to stand around and do nothing.

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