
Monday, June 10, 2019

Does God Approve of Men Dressing as Drag Queens?

It now seems like drag queens are in the news all around us. For some strange reason these men took it upon themselves to dress up in drag and read to kids in libraries across the country.  Something to ponder as we read warning from Deuteronomy.
A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for 
the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.

Aliberal church in Texas is sponsoring a drag queen story hour for children after the local library canceled the event.
KVUE in Austin reports that Open Cathedral Church in Leander has rented a room in the public library and will host the event. The church will be paying the fees to rent out the room, which is available to all members of the public to rent. So far they've got nearly 400 people saying they plan to attend.
Open Cathedral Church is a progressive church that embraces LGBTQ ideology. Lead Minister Ryan Hart said the church has received an "overwhelming" amount of positive feedback from both their members and the Leander community as a whole. He said they expressed there has been a need in the community for a drag queen event like this

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