
Thursday, July 11, 2019

How We Know War With Iran is Imminent

This is a pretty ominous headline;

How we know war with Iran is imminent and why it only makes sense via biblical perspective

BIN editor and writer David Sidman and Eliyahu Berkowitz (for the first time) discuss the current detente between Israel, the US, the Gulf states and Iran and whether or not it will escalate. See how Jewish sources predicted the current situation and where it’s all going.

Watch video discussion here;

Let's remember that Ezekiel 38 is from the Old Testament.  That means that Jews are reading Ezekiel and concluding that in their Last Days, before their (false) Messiah comes, that a war will break out with Iran.

Among them shall be Persia, Nubia, and Put, everyone with shield and helmet Ezekiel 38:5 (The Israel Bible™)

They know that this war has yet to happen so it is part of their prophecy.  Of course it's part of OUR prophecy too...we just have a much different way of viewing it because we know it will lead to the return of Jesus.  And since the Jews have rejected Jesus they WILL fall for the lies of the Antichrist and most likely believe HIM to be their Messiah.

And when Antichrist goes into the soon to be built 3rd Temple and declared himself to be God...the Jews will then realize that they have been deceived. 

What will follow will be the worst time earth has ever seen or will ever see, according to Jesus.

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