
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

More Evidence the ELCA Has Totally Lost Their Minds and Lost Control

What would you think of an Evangelical Lutheran Church of America congregation that prayed to demon goddesses and summoned gods other than Jesus Christ?  What would you think of a denomination that had no power to remove a church that was doing this?

Many of you already know that I was raised in the ELCA and I thank God on many occasions that He delivered me from the rot that is now happening inside ELCA congregations.

A church holding membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran denomination in the country, worships God almost exclusively as a woman. The church, Ebenezer Lutheran in San Francisco, also participates in rituals to honor ancient goddesses.

Calling their Sunday service “The Liturgy of the Divine Feminine,” the church uses crystals, animal masks, Reiki healing, Kundali Yoga, and goddess idol-making in their liturgies and events. The church uses names like “Womb,” “Kundalini,” “Sophia,” and “Midwife” to worship God, according to their website.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) confirmed to the Daily Caller that Ebenezer Lutheran is an official member of their Church. 

“The ELCA has no authority to discipline congregations; that process starts at the synod level,” a spokesperson said.

Ebenezer Lutheran is led by Pastor Stacy Boorn, who has been an ordained Lutheran pastor for 29 years. She is sometimes known as the “priestess of ritual” to the congregation.

Pastor Boorn says her congregation worships God as a woman because there will “never be full equality or justice” for women “as long as the religions of the world continue to personify the Holy Other (God) exclusively or evenly as male.” 

Worshiping God “exclusively or evenly as male,” according to Pastor Boorn, can “sustain the various forms of domination that are pursuant of that image.”

Pastor Tom Brock, who led his congregation out of the ELCA after it adopted more liberal stances on abortion and gay clergy, told the Daily Caller Ebenezer’s worship of God as a woman is “arrogant.”

“Jesus taught us ‘Our Father who art in heaven.’ For us to change the Lord’s prayer is arrogant,” Pastor Brock said, adding, “It is arrogant that they think they know better than God.” (RELATED: Newly Consecrated Gay Bishop Declares God Is A Woman)

In February, Ebenezer Lutheran Church held a Sunday liturgy that seemed to worship Inanna, also known as Ishtar, a Mesopotamian goddess. “We honor and celebrate Sister Wisdom who comes to guide us and Inanna,” the church said to advertise the liturgy. The service was described on their website as having an “original Hymn to Inanna” accompanied by a “Sacred Dance,” reports Exposing the ELCA.

Leviticus 19:31 “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.”

As you read this article you will see the photo of a group of ELCA women worshiping these false gods.  It's interesting to note how many times you can read in the Bible about women coming up with really bad ideas while the men are off doing something else.

I'm guessing there is a very good reason of why God wanted men to be the leaders of their households and also the leaders of their churches. The world hates what God says which is probably another reason why the world is currently infatuated with "women power".  It would seem that every TV show, movie and sporting event attempts to have strong women characters who can chase down criminal men and tackle them and cuff them all on their own!  In reality, that wouldn't happen.  It's a fantasy that has it's roots all the way back in Genesis 3.

16 To the woman he said,

“I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
    with painful labor you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
    and he will rule over you.”

And all the women said, "Oh no he won't!  We will rule our households!  We will rule our churches!  And someday we will rule the world and make it a more perfect place!"

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