
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Most Agree That Life Begins at Conception

It’s so obvious WHEN new life begins.  You need to be willfully ignorant to argue anything else. One pro-abortion guy I recently debated said it was only a baby after you could see it’s fingers and toes and see for yourself that it was a human being? What??  Has a human woman ever given birth to a dolphin or a kitten? Nope!  When a woman is pregnant the whole world knows she is pregnant with another human being. 

A University of Chicago Ph.D. student recently defended a dissertation in which he asked thousands of biologists when life begins. A large majority of the biologists he surveyed, even those who are committed to the pro-choice position, said human life begins at conception.

Steven Jacobs undertook his research for his dissertation in the Department of Comparative Human Development. The research took him five grueling years and roused the ire of many academics, who, according to the college fix, accused him of academic dishonesty, claimed he politicized science, and compared him to the Ku Klux Klan.
Jacobs wanted to bring fact-based research into the debate over abortion in an effort to move the debate past the question of when life begins and into other questions by showing that there is already a scholarly consensus on when life begins. He told the Daily Wire that he wanted to “produce research that can become a contribution to a contentious debate that is harming our body politic” and to “help people become informed so that the competition of ideas can take place on a level playing field.”
Jacobs began his work by asking 2,899 American adults which group who be “most qualified to answer the question of when a human’s life begins.” 81% of those he surveyed said biologists would be most qualified to answer the question.

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