
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pope Says Jesus' Death on the Cross Was a Failure

Jesus IS God.  Through Him all things that were created were created through him.  He planned his birth, death and resurrection before the foundations of the world were set.  His death on the EXACT day that Gabriel gave Daniel 600 years earlier, was a perfect success!! 

Now watch what the Pope says about Jesus death being a failure. Could he have said things differently?  Could he have used a different example?

Watch it here;

We continue to believe that the Pope would be a prime candidate for FALSE PROPHET following the rapture and removal of the Holy Spirit which well reveal the Antichrist.


  1. I am not a fan of the pope. However, I am not a fan of the website not continuing the video past the point of him saying "humanly speaking" Jesus death was a failure. What did he go on to say? If it were an evangelical speaker, I can hear the same line that HUMANLY speaking, Jesus looked like a failure as He died on the cross... and then the great proclamation of His victory over death.

  2. I agree with you Julie. For whatever reason the blogosphere picked up the pope's comments and were running with it that day. Of course I do understand that if you looked at Jesus' life from a fallen/human point of view, he had no house, no wife, no kids, no truck, no bass boat, no pension fund and died at the age of his "life' was a failure. No doubt there are a certain amount of reporters who follow the pope around just waiting for him to make a statement that can be twisted into something that maybe it's not.

    Yes, I continue to believe that if the trumpet blew today that a pope would be a prime candidate for role of FALSE PROPHET. We know he has invited Muslim Imams into the vatican and allows them to pray to their god, Allah. What religious leaders might he invite next?
