
Monday, July 1, 2019

World War A--When Aliens Attack

So here is how the deception goes;
a)  Mankind evolved on earth from simpler life forms which sprang from non-living things
b)  There are billions of planets in the universe
c)  Since life evolved here on earth it must have evolved in other places
d)  Alien evolution could have happened billions of years before human evolution
e)  Human technology has gone from horses to rockets in 100 years
f)  If humans have another billion years to add to our technology we will be unstoppable
g)  Since some aliens have already HAD another billion years of technology they could come to earth
h)  If they come to earth they could either be curious or maybe hungry, angry or just plain mean
i)  They could destroy mankind and take planet earth--like Godzilla crushing Bambi

Now when you have a few minutes you can watch this YouTube video about what it might be like when Aliens attack.

As you watch it, think of how clever our Adversary (Satan) is to deceive us in this way.  And think of how our schoolchildren are taught that complex life just started from nothing here on earth.  They teach our kids that life came from non-life (rocks, heat, water) and no God was needed in the story of creation.  This is in DIRECT CONTRAST to what the Bible says.

So soon our kids spend 6 hours per day in public schools being taught things that make the Bible untrue.  And then we put them in Sunday School for 1/2 hour per week where we may tell them that the Bible can be trusted.

So who you gonna believe???

Watch the YouTube video about WHEN ALIENS ATTACK right here:

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