
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

It's "The Voices" That Made Him Do It...Again

As you can watch in this video, the dude who shot up the Parkland Florida High School last year had some demons in his head.  The demons kept telling him to kill and destroy.

Watch it here;

We think the Democrats should pass a bill that bans demons from telling people to kill and destroy.  Then maybe they wouldn't need to ban guns.

Of course we are just being coy.

The Bible tells us that our enemy prowls around like a hungry lion looking for whom he may destroy. I'm going to bet $100 that this young man smoked a little weed, did some drugs, or opened up some other door that allowed the lion to get in.

And now his life and hundreds of others are destroyed...exactly as the destroyer had planned.

Please make note of how many articles you will read that talk about "The Voices".  It would seem that Satan is setting a big agenda.  If he can whisper to enough people to take a gun and kill everyone, then he will hope that people will start to blame the gun and take them all away.  Once that happens the Antichrist's army will be the only one with guns, so it will be rather easy to round up all the people they want since no one will have any way to defend themselves.  He will most likely start with the Jews and then anyone else who refuses to take the required mark.  Those who do take it will never find their name in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Today is the day of salvation.

Hat tip to Guy B.

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