
Friday, August 2, 2019

Saudi Arabia Finally Allows Women to Travel

Have you ever noticed that very few people are trying to get into Muslim-majority countries? 

I wonder why Linda Sasour and Ilhan Omar don't want to leave America and move into a burqa-wearing country that they could be more comfortable in?

Maybe because the Muslim men in some of those countries will kill them for daring to walk around on the streets without a male escort?

Today we learn that women are getting more freedom in Suadi Arabia!  They can actually get their own passports and even travel without a man!  Allah akbar, that's good news!

Women in Saudi Arabia will finally be allowed to apply for a passport and travel freely without having to secure permission from a male relative, ending a long-standing guardianship policy that gave men control over women.

The new regulation, issued Wednesday and approved Thursday by the Saudi Cabinet, won’t only just allow Saudi women to apply for passports, but also for women over the age of 21 to travel alone.

The decrees were announced early Friday morning in the kingdom’s official weekly Um al-Qura gazette. It’s not clear when the new rules will go into effect.

Other changes allow women to register a marriage, divorce or child's birth and to be issued official family documents. It also stipulates that a father or mother can be legal guardians of children.

However, still in place are rules that require male consent for a woman to leave prison, exit a domestic abuse shelter or marry. Women still cannot pass on citizenship to their children and cannot provide consent for their children to marry.

He also supported loosening rules on gender segregation and bringing concerts and movie theaters to the country.

The changes are important to Saudi women's rights in the kingdom. The legal system has long required women to have a male guardian to do simple tasks in every day life. Often a woman's male guardian is her father or husband, and in some cases a woman's own son.

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