
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Why is Mass Murder So Common in America?

A few more mass shootings over the weekend.  The Democrats all rush to GUN CONTROL as if that's going to do anything.  Terrorists will use bombs or drive vans into crowds if they want to kill a bunch of people.  I have no problem with back-ground checks to try and prevent guns from getting into psychopath hands, but have Democrats seriously come to the delusional thinking that making black guns illegal will stop mass murderers?

Here's what's really going on.  The Holy Spirit is the force on earth that RESTRAINS Satan's agenda. (The whole world is under the control of the Evil One)  The more Holy Spirit filled people you have in a town, city, county, state and country, the less likelihood you will have multiple incidents of violence.  You would also have less stealing, less rape, less lying and less sexual perversion.

As America continues down the path of rejecting Christ we will have a smaller and smaller percentage of our populace that is filled with the Holy Spirit.  This leaves fewer and fewer people to restrain the evil that is just waiting to break out.

"But Dennis, Norway has very few Holy Spirit filled people and they don't suffer from mass violence."

Well that's not totally true because a mass shooter killed like 50 kids at summer camp about 7-8 years ago, but I do understand the point you are trying to make.

Norway only has about 3 million people and is of VERY little concern to Satan's agenda.  America, on the other hand, is the MAIN PLAYER IN WORLD AFFAIRS.  We have the reserve currency and our economy drives the entire world.  Satan HAS to get rid of America if he is going to continue to set the stage for the Antichrist.  And one thing he's going to have to do is get a lid on the 350 million guns that are currently sitting in everyone's house.  He's also got to get rid of our economy and our military and currency.

So he starts to whisper to certain people who DON'T HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT.  "You should get a gun and shoot all those people in school in made fun of you!"  You should make a bomb and blow up all those people who got you fired from your job!"  "You should get a van and ram it into that parade of people who disagree with your sexual orientation!"  "You should get some acid and throw it at that girl who refused to go out with you!"  "You should shoot all those people in that church who said gay sex was a sin!"  And the list goes on and on and on.

We continue to hope that Jesus will come for His bride, the church, BEFORE all hell breaks loose in America. 

The evidence is all around us that America is shaking.  Democrats like Cory Booker are publicly saying that the mass shooter was the result of Donald Trump.  Liberal author, Reza Aslan, just tweeted to Ivanka Trump, "Fuck you and your whole white supremacist family!"  This is where we are going.  Soon, the Left will be incapable of talking to the Right.  Nothing will get done except yelling and swearing at each other.  And when the next Great Recession hits us, (and it will) when people start to lose their jobs, houses, trucks and bass boats, they will be pissed and looking to blame somebody besides themselves.

That's when Civil War could break out.  And when that happens, America will most likely implode.

The Good News is that Jesus Christ has overcome this world!! 

Come Lord Jesus!

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