
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Russia, Iran and China to Hold “First Ever” War Games

Russia and Iran are, of course, joint participants in Ezekiel 38.  So their cooperation continues to be furthered.  But now we have China joining the unholy alliance.  And of course this is the first time EVER!

Iran, China, and Russia will hold in the coming weeks their first-ever joint war drills, which leaders say are meant to send a "message to the world" about increased military cooperation between the rogue countries.
The commander of Iran's navy, Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi, said Wednesday that the Islamic Republic will team up with Moscow and Beijing within the next month to hold the mass war drills.
"When we talk about joint wargames, we are talking about two or more countries with a high level of relations in various political, economic and social fields, which culminate in cooperation in the military sector, with wargames usually being the highest level of such cooperation," Khanzadi was quoted as saying in remarks to Iran's state-controlled press.

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