
Monday, November 11, 2019

Scotland Puts 21 Sexualities on New Census

If you are looking for more evidence that the Left is being given over to mass delusion, here is just one more case in point.  As you read through these 21 definitions, notice the overlap between some.  It’s like these delusionals were sitting there trying their very hardest to come up with some other stupid definition. How about just use “other” for any of the 1% of super confused folks who can’t figure out if they are male or female?
National Records of Scotland revealed in a letter to MSPs they planned to expand the four basic categories initially proposed — straight or heterosexual, gay or lesbian, bisexual and other.
The 21 “other” options for census respondents are mooted as androphilic, androsexual, asexual, bicurious, bisexual, demiromantic, demisexual, fluid, gay, gynephilic, gynesexual, homosexual, heterosexual, lesbian, pansexual, polysexual, queer, questioning, skoliosexual, straight and unsure.
Dr Kath Murray highlighted concerns with the list, as well as an increasing number of possible responses over the question of gender identity.
The Edinburgh Uni academic said: “A sexual orientation question with overly complex predictive response options — not all of which describe the sex that a person is attracted to — means less complete information may be collected.

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