
Friday, December 13, 2019

Black NFL Player in Trouble for Using R- Word

I saw the headline and couldn’t imagine what the R word actually is?

Turns out he called someone a retard.

I guess that word is stricken from society.

Black people can call each other nigger or nigga but if you aren’t “black enough” with your skin color, you better not EVER use that word or you’ll get beat up, fired and bullied to death on social media.

Soon we won’t be able to say the H word or the M word or the T word or the P word!  Forget about the F word!  Notice that ESPN can’t even print the word "retard."
Jenkins was responding to a critical fan, taking exception when asked why the stats Jenkins was using to showcase his effectiveness weren't contributing to any victories.
"I can only do my job.. retard," Jenkins tweeted.

Giants coach Pat Shurmur met with Jenkins later in the day. Shurmur explained that the comments were "very inappropriate and offensive" but wouldn't disclose if his top cornerback would face any discipline.


  1. It's interesting how people get bent out of shape for the R or N word, but you go to the store or listen to TV and radio and people are ok hearing and saying the S or F word.

  2. Agree! Julie and I said the exact same thing! We have become a nation of people that are so easily offended that we actually LOOK FOR WAYS TO BE OFFENDED.

    I pity the fool when I discover WHO it was who referred to me as "white, tall, bald guy with a beard."

    First off I don't identify as white...I'm Welsh-American. Second off how did THEY know I identify as a "guy"? Thirdly, I can't help my height, either tall or short should be off limits. And bald? How derogatory!! Calling someone bald would be the same as calling someone a midget or a retard.
