
Monday, December 16, 2019

Let's Watch the Blessings Start to Flow to the UK

Some of you have maybe heard that the UK elected a new Prime Minister named Boris Johnson.  He appears to be very Trump-like not only in his looks but also in his desire to finish BREXIT.  Today we read that Boris may even be pro-Israel. 

Of course the godless folks on the Left are typically the folks who support boycotting and divesting from Israel. (BDS)

So now lets see if Boris can turn the UK around from the leftists and get it swung back around towards conservatism.  In the process of blessing Israel, lets see if the UK starts to get a blessing from God.

Boris Johnson’s connection to Israel may have been the secret weapon that helped him win a landslide victory in last week’s British election and his first official act reflects that: a powerful anti-Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement law.

Eric Pickles, UK’s Special Envoy for post-Holocaust matters, announced the new law at International Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s conference in Jerusalem on Sunday. Pickles said that the new law would ban public agencies from working with those who boycott Israel in any way.

“BDS is anti-Semitic, and should be treated as such,” Pickles said. “Antisemitism an attack on the British way of life and British identity. Without our Jewish citizens, we would be a lesser nation.

Pickles said that the Labor party’s resounding defeat in the election showed that the British people rejected anti-Semitism. It should be noted that the Labour Party supported pro-BDS legislation.


Interesting!!  Here in America, the Democrats were PRO BDS and they lost to Trump!  In the UK the Labour Party was PRO BDS and they just lost in a landslide to Boris Johnson.

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