
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Why Are More Christians Affirming LGBTQ?

I ran across this article that hopes to explain why more and more Christian congregations are accepting LGBTQ.  Of course the author rolls out some of the same straw men that they always do (old rules from the Old Testament..."we are allowed to eat shellfish now")

And of course he tries to spin to roll out the "born that way" argument.

But of course, God has spoken numerous times that sexual intercourse is meant for ONE MAN AND ONE WOMEN IN MARRIAGE.  End of story.

I believe we are seeing the early stages of what will be, within a generation, a seismic shift in the Church toward LGBTQ inclusion and affirmation. While some would assume this is due to younger Christians (who I do believe are leading the way) a recent Pew Research Center poll showed that increasing support for our LGBTQ brothers and sisters is actually climbing across all demographics– even the older generation.

Why is this dramatic shift happening?

No, it’s not because we’re in the “great falling away” that those end-timers preach about.

No one chooses their orientation– orientation chooses you. While we do not yet completely understand the biology behind orientation to a scientific certainty, we can say with confidence that you are either born with it, or it develops so young in life that it could in no way be seen as a choice one can consent to, or reject.

A growing number of Christians are realizing that one can no more repent of being gay than they can repent of being left handed (and as a lefty, I’ll tell you: I’d die of starvation and exposure to the elements if I had to do things with my right hand.)

I’ve never met a single person of any orientation who claims they actually chose it. I have however, met scores of people who all tried to un-choose their orientation, only to realize that un-choosing orientation isn’t possible.


I hope he rolls out the carpet for all the men out there who were born with the desire to have more than one sexual partner!  Maybe he should look at the passages that talk about ADULTERY and rewrite those as well!

And notice how he dismisses the GREAT FALLING AWAY by those nasty end times preachers.

The truth is that Jesus IS fully capable of changing our sinful, fallen desires.  He loves us so much that he doesn't want to leave us with the sinful desires we are ALL BORN WITH.

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