
Friday, January 3, 2020

America's Military Just Killed One of the Worst Bad Men in the World

I'm actually a little giddy today.  My wife and I gave thanks this morning for Donald Trump.  We pray for him on an almost-daily basis.  We pray that the Holy Spirit will use him and mature him to become a mature follower of Christ.  We also pray that those followers of Christ close to him, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Dr Robert Jeffress, and others, will speak truth to him and offer him wise counsel for the days we are in.

"But Dennis!  Donald Trump screwed a porn star 15 years ago and paid her $100,000 to keep her mouth shut!  20 year ago he told Billy Bush that he "grabbed women by the pussy"!  He is a pig of man and I can't believe you "Christians" can support him!  He's an embarrassment to all of us real Christians!"

For those who say this, I would say a few things.  First off, I could care less who he screwed 15 years ago.  In the same way I could care less that a Supreme Court Justice drank beer and maybe tried to feel up a high school girl at a keg party 40 years ago.  I could also care less if Trump told Billy he liked to grab women by the pussy 20 years ago.  What he did 20 years ago has little to do with today, especially if the Holy Spirit has been working in him these past few years.

Secondly, I would tell my fellow "Christians" who can't stand Trump to go back to their Bibles and read the story of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel.

King David ordered that one of his friend's wives be brought to him.  He screwed her while his friend was off fighting a war that King David ordered.  When it was discovered that she was pregnant, David called his friend back from the war in hopes that he would sleep with his wife and he could hide that David was the actual father.  When Uriah didn't sleep with his wife David called him over to the palace the next night and got him drunk.  He thought for sure that a drunk man would have a need to sleep with his wife, but he didn't.  So David conspired a plan to have his friend moved to the front lines and killed by the enemy when Uriah returned to battle.  Then David took his wife as one of his own.  I believe David already had 5-6 wives by this time PLUS he had numerous concubines that he could screw anytime he wanted.

So you tell me.  Is Donald Trump and his porn star passion 15 years ago a WORSE moral sin than King David murdering his friend to cover up adultery?  And yet we all know that David was "a man after God's own heart" and also one of the most famous and endearing characters of the entire Bible.  In fact Jesus Christ is going to SIT on David's throne for 1000 years when He returns!

So that's a whole big build up as to why I'm giddy this morning.

Yesterday Trump gave the order and Iran's #2 leader was taken out (killed) with some of his friends while standing at the Baghdad airport.  Iran had attacked the US Embassy in Baghdad and Trump promised that this attack on US soil by the Iranians would not go unpunished.  By doing this Trump put all the other terrorists on notice.  The long arm of America WILL reach you if you attack American interests.

And of course the Democrats are all super confused.  They can't praise Trump for his actions....but yet they know this dead Iranian killed over 600 American troops fighting in Iraq from 2003-2011.  So today the Democrats are wringing their hands while their MSM backers try and spin how "bad" this killing was for America....because "Iran might retaliate".

What a bunch of wimps!  First they ridicule Trump for showing how weak America had become for allowing the Embassy attack....and then when he retaliates they start to cry "foul!"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is calling on the Trump administration to immediately brief lawmakers on the U.S. airstrike that killed a top Iranian commander in Iraq and what the White House plans to do next.

The strike in Iraq was directed by President Donald Trump and killed Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran's secretive Quds Force, the Department of Defense announced Thursday night.

The move, which is likely to provoke retaliation from Iran, comes amid heightened tensions between the Trump administration and Tehran over rocket attacks aimed at coalition forces in Iraq. U.S. officials have said those attacks were likely carried out by Iranian-backed militias with links to the Quds Force.

"Tonight's airstrike risks provoking further dangerous escalation of violence. America — and the world — cannot afford to have tensions escalate to the point of no return," Pelosi said in a statement late Thursday.

The strike was carried out without an "authorization for use of military force" against Iran and without the consultation of Congress, the speaker said.

"The full Congress must be immediately briefed on this serious situation and on the next steps under consideration by the Administration, including the significant escalation of the deployment of additional troops to the region," Pelosi said.

The Defense Department characterized the strike as "decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad" and said in a statement that Soleimani "was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region."

Several Republicans, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, praised Trump's move.

Graham said in a statement that Soleimani "had American blood on his hands" and welcomed what he called Trump’s "bold action against Iranian aggression."

"To the Iranian government: If you want more, you will get more," Graham said.


For his part in all this, Trump usually has something bombastic to Tweet, but today he kept it real simple....he just Tweeted a picture of the US flag.

"But Dennis!  Aren't you afraid of how Iran might retaliate!  This is really scary!  What if they blow something up or send troops to attack us?"

Ummmm....Iran barely has running water and electricity.  I'm not real concerned.

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