
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Boy Scouts is a "Magnet" for Pedophiles

I think it was bank robber, John Dillinger, when asked, 'Why do you rob banks?"  His answer, "Because that's where the money is!"

I was reminded of that as I read this headline today.  Why are so many pedophiles attracted to Boy Scouts?  Because that's where the boys are!

(Please remember that the pedophiles of America are trying to re-label themselves as MINOR-ATTRACTED-PERSONS)  Of course they are claiming they were born this ultimately we need to accept them and eventually celebrate their lifestyles.

Lawyers for eight plaintiffs filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington D.C. on Monday, demanding justice for victims of sexual abuse allegedly committed by leaders of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The lawsuit states that the organization failed to protect children who were entrusted to their adult scoutmasters and leaders. The eight plaintiffs are identified as John Does 1 through 8.

The lawsuit states that the BSA was fully aware that their organization had attracted pedophiles into its leadership and did nothing to stop the abuse. Further, BSA refused to acknowledge the abuse was taking place despite maintaining secret files of leaders known or suspected of committing acts of sexual abuse.

Although the BSA submits annual reports to Congress, the lawsuit states that “never once in 103 years of reporting to Congress has BSA disclosed the fact that its programs were, and are, magnets to tens of thousands of pedophiles. Instead, BSA’s Reports to the Nation have miscast the organization as a bastion of moral authority.”

Although listed in the lawsuit as John Doe, one victim recently chose to speak on the record with the Associated Press. Dave Henson, now 39 years old, says he was abused by an assistant scout leader in Lake Dallas, Texas, starting in 1991 when he was only 11 years old. Henson says the abuse went on for five years and has left him enduring anxiety, shame, and depression. “The abuse occurs once you’re isolated from the rest of the group, and you stay in that isolation for years,” he said.

The Boy Scouts of America continue to face allegations of sexual abuse of children, and this latest lawsuit is only one of hundreds more expected to come. The Boy Scouts told the Associated Press they do not comment on pending litigation and reiterated that they “believe victims, support them, and will pay for counseling by a provider of their choice and we encourage them to come forward.”

Unfortunately, stories like this are rampant across the world. From teachers, principals, police officers, politicians, celebrities, and royalty, the world has a problem with pedophiles and sexual abusers. Hopefully the changing tide will bring some relief to the victims and justice to their abusers.


Yep!  It is unfortunate that the world is filled with perverts!  Maybe some justice will be forthcoming...but I won't hold my breath. The only thing that can change a pervert is submission to Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to change their sinful nature.  And as America goes POST-CHRISTIAN and embraces hedonism, expect the perversion to grow.

All the while the cup of sin continues to fill until God's wrath eventually says, "Enough!"

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