
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Earth Groaning

I've recently mentioned in some blog posts that it seems that the earth is groaning under the weight of sin as it longs for the curse to be lifted.

Today I see this headline from a major prophetic site;

Earth Groaning In Travail - 7 Major Changes Upon Our Earth
There has never been a time in modern human history when our planet has been changing as rapidly as it is changing right now.  

The sun is behaving very strangely, freakishly cold weather is breaking out all over the world, ocean temperatures continue to rise, volcanoes all over the globe are shooting ash miles into the air, Australia is experiencing the worst wildfires that they have ever seen, and the north magnetic pole has been moving at a pace that is deeply alarming scientists.  

Could it be possible that all of this bizarre activity is leading up to some sort of a crescendo?

Sadly, most people don't even realize what is happening, and that is because the mainstream media only emphasizes stories that fit with the particular narratives that they are currently pushing.

But it has gotten to the point where nobody can deny that really weird things are happening.  The following are 7 major earth changes that are happening right now that everyone needs to know about...


OOOOO!!  And there is that word again...NEVER been a time in modern history.

Honestly, should we be surprised if we hear the trumpet blow today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year?

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