
Friday, January 31, 2020

Franklin Graham Cancelled Because of Beliefs

Has the Left totally lost their collective minds?  Do they not understand the historical danger of those people groups who restrict free speech?

“But Dennis, it makes me feel bad when someone says something that makes me feel bad. And don’t I have a right to stop people from saying things that make me feel bad?”

Today we read that Franklin got cancelled because a group of people found out that he believes gay marriage is sinful. Of course NO ONE wants to be told they are sinners!  “SILENCE!”
The Rev. Franklin Graham, an evangelist and the son of the late preacher Billy Graham, was slated to speak this summer at a venue in Liverpool. The venue, however, put a wrench into the plans by canceling the contract.
Graham’s event, to be held at ACC Liverpool, was part of a larger tour through the United Kingdom. Officials at the venue, however, announced Friday the event would be scrubbed from the schedule because Graham’s views — particularly his biblical interpretation of marriage as a union between one man and one woman — are “incompatible with our values.”

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