
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Iranian Woman Sets Record Straight

You should for sure go to the link below and watch the video.  While the Dems and the MSM are mourning the loss of this terrorist Soleimani, the real people of Iran are celebrating his death.  She says in the video that it’s like America has entered the Twilight Zone where Dems are all concerned about the killing of a terrorist but totally unconcerned about the 1600 students killed in last month for peaceful protests of Iranian government.
Thank God that Trump is our President. 
She said many Iranians were celebrating Soleimani’s death by giving out cakes and cookies in the streets in Iran.
Kasraie ended the video by thanking US President Donald Trump.
“Thank you, Mr. Trump, for making a very hard decision and for having the moral courage to do something that a lot of world leaders would never have had.”

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