
Monday, January 27, 2020

Locust Outbreak

Jesus said there will be pestilence in the last days before his return.  He also said famine. Locusts destroying every bit of food in sight would qualify as pestilence and result in famine. Worst outbreak in 70 years. Also of interest is that the places being affected by this outbreak are called Cush by the Bible. Cush is a named player in Ezekiel 38 coalition. Just sayin’.
Katitika, Kenya – The worst outbreak of desert locusts in Kenya in 70 years has seen hundreds of millions of the bugs swarm into the East African nation from Somalia and Ethiopia. Those two countries have not had an infestation like this in a quarter-century, destroying farmland and threatening an already vulnerable region with devastating hunger.
"Even cows are wondering what is happening," said Ndunda Makanga, who spent hours Friday trying to chase the locusts from his farm. "Corn, sorghum, cowpeas, they have eaten everything." 
Even a small swarm of the insects can consume enough food for 35,000 people in a single day, said Jens Laerke of the U.N. humanitarian office in Geneva.

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