
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Surge of Male Prisoners Identifying as Female

These male prisoners aren't dummies.  They get sent to a male prison with only a bunch of butt-ugly guys to look at or have sex with.  So they put on a wig and some make up and tell the warden that they identify as female.  And of course if they identify as female then they have to be sent to a female prison.  Because that's what the Left-mandated law has now said.

So these men in wigs and makeup get sent to a female prison where they get to have sex with all the women who will have them!

Good idea you leftist idiots!

Surge Of Male Convicts Identifying As Female Trying To Get Sent To Female Prison

This is perhaps the least surprising news you'll read today: As I've noted over the past several years (and as recently as last week), male criminals are gaming the system and using gender ideology to claim that they are female and get locked up in women's prisons. 

The numbers have been consistently spiking, and prison officials are now swamped with male convicts claiming to be women. According to one feminist outlet:

A recent survey found that the number of inmates in England and Wales who self-identify as transgender has surged to ten times previous estimates, such that one in 50 prisoners now say they are transgender. The numbers of men "transitioning to women" has increased so rapidly that officials express uncertainty as to how to manage the situation. 

Transgender inmates housed in men's prison receive such entitlements as the option of being placed in single cells and taking showers alone. Under a 2017 policy issued by the UK Ministry of Justice (MOJ), male inmates may be transferred to women's prisons if they express "a consistent desire to live permanently in the gender they identify with."

The year the policy was enacted, the number of men identifying as women jumped by 70%. The UK's MOJ was forced to reexamine the policy of placing men who identify as women with female inmates after public backlash followed reports of transgender inmates sexually attacking female inmates. 

Jessica Winfield, a divorced father-of-three previously named Martin Ponting, was imprisoned for life for the rapes of two little girls. Mr Winfield had to be placed in isolation after several female inmates accused him of sexual attacks. Karen White, a father-of-one who was previously known as Stephen Thomas, was incarcerated for burglary and the stabbing of a male neighbor. 


The Left has become so delusional that they simply can't understand the Pandora's box that they have opened up.

Soon the boys who aren't good enough to play on a Division 1 basketball team will simply identify as female so they can get the $100,000 scholarship for Girl's Basketball and get some playing time in a game they love.  Plus they will totally dominate.  Most High School boys varsity basketball teams could beat all the Pro Women's Basketball teams.

Soon men will be allowed to identify as female and be leaders of Girl Scout Troops.

Soon men will be allowed to identify as 9 yr old girls and JOIN a Girl Scout Troop.

And the Left will be forced to applaud their "courage".

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