
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Trump Tweet Most Popular Ever in Iran

Poor Leftists, liberals and Democrats!  They just have a really tough time getting anything they say to  remain true! After Trump took out Iranian-terrorist General, the Left wrung their hands and were certain WWIII had just commenced and made plans to go hide in their basements while “Trump supporters should be forced to enlist for his war!” Of course that never happened. Next the Left thought to publicly apologize to the Iranians for the “idiot dictator Trump” and so, so sorry that we killed your hero Soleimani so please don’t kill us! 
Today we read that Trump sent a tweet in Farsi (the language Iranians speak) and it has become the most liked Persian tweet in Twitter history.  Turns out that many, many Iranians like Trump more than they like their own Muslim-terrorist leaders.  
President Trump's tweet in Farsi expressing his support for Iranians protesting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has already earned over 200,000 likes, making it the "most liked Persian tweet" in the social media giant's history, according to a leading think tank adviser.
On Saturday, protesters in the country called upon Khamenei to step down after Iran admitted to shooting down a commercial airliner on which dozens of Iranian citizens were traveling. That evening, the president sent out a tweet in Farsi, saying that he stands with their efforts.
“To the brave and suffering Iranian people: I have stood with you since the beginning of my presidency and my government will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely. Your courage is inspiring,” Trump wrote.

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