
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Dick Van Dyke Endorses Bernie Sanders

No doubt some of m younger readers will say, "Who the heck is Dick Van Dyke?"

But for anyone probably 50 or older, we all remember the Dick Van Dyke Show. Th show made Mary Tyler Moore famous which led to her own spin-off show that took place in Minneapolis.

So why do I think this "news" of him supporting Bernie Sanders qualifies for a blog post?

Because it's more evidence of how the delusion is starting to take over the world.  First it started in Europe and now it is spreading fast into America.  When all the "hollywood heroes" of our entertainment obsessed society start screaming for a communist to lead them, it makes one wonder how much longer our American experiment with a Constitutional Republic can stand.

Further, these godless folks believe a Communist is going to save the Republic from Donald Trump.  They are convinced that if Trump is reelected in November that America will come to an end.

Dick Van Dyke endorses Bernie Sanders, says Trump re-election would mean the end of democracy

In a video on Friday, Hollywood legend Dick Van Dyke endorsed Bernie Sanders, warning voters that if President Trump is re-elected it will end democracy in America.

Sanders promoted the video endorsement from the 94-year-old Van Dyke in a seeming effort to appeal to older voters. Van Dyke said in the video that he was a “very enthusiastic” Sanders supporter.

Calling 2020 the “most important “ election since the end of World War II, Van Dyke said, “another four years of the current administration and we won’t have a democracy anymore.”

“Four more years of no concern about the climate. We must get him out of there. Democratic principles are flying out the window. He has assumed authority beyond what the president is allowed and he’s going to get worse,” he explained.


How hilarious!!  Dick says that "Democratic principles are flying out the window" we need to elect a communist to save our Democratic principles!!  LOL!

Also, notice how the Left has been trying to squash the Democratic principles of the legally elected Donald Trump!  They weren't happy that Hillary lost and said from the get go that will do everything possible to try and drive him out of office.

Can you smell a Civil War brewing for America if Jesus tarries much longer?

Can you even imagine the rage that is going to fly if Trump is reelected?

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