
Monday, February 24, 2020

Disney Intros First Openly Gay Animated Character

Hey parents and grandparents,
remember when you could put in a Disney movie and know that it was going to be a family friendly experience without a social agenda? Well, maybe Bambi did cause deer hunters to think twice before killing that little doe in the fall, but you certainly didn't believe that Disney was trying to social engineer your child to accept all forms of sexuality.  But of course, its now 2020 and we are told that Bible believers are on "the wrong side of history".  So get ready for gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, minor attracted persons (maps) and even animal-friendly-adults (afas) to invade your Disney channel, pre-programming your kids to believe that love is love and they can't help WHO they love...which means they certainly can never stop themselves from having sex with anyone or any species that might tickle their fantasy.

It’s been a long wait, but a Disney heroine finally has a girlfriend… and it’s not Elsa. Months after The Rise of Skywalker featured the first same-sex kiss in the Star Wars galaxy, the new animated film Onward introduces the first self-identified lesbian character into the Disney-Pixar universe. Her name is Officer Specter, and she’s a Cyclops cop voiced by openly gay screenwriter and actress Lena Waithe. While Specter’s inclusion in Onward is a major first for Disney, it’s treated almost matter-of-factly in the movie itself, which the filmmakers say is by design. “It just kind of happened,” Onward producer Kori Rae tells Yahoo Entertainment. “The scene, when we wrote it, was kind of fitting and it opens up the world a little bit, and that’s what we wanted.” Adds director Dan Scanlon, “It’s a modern fantasy world and we want to represent the modern world.”

Specter only appears in one scene in Onward, which opens in theaters on March 6, but her role is vital to the emotional arc of the story. Written by Scanlon, Jason Headley and Keith Bunin, the film takes places in a magical universe whose fantastical citizens — think elves, dragons and manticores — have lost their connection to the magical arts. Onward’s heroes are two elven brothers, Ian and Barley (Tom Holland and Chris Pratt), who lost their father at a young age before either had a chance to properly say goodbye. On Ian’s 16th birthday, their mother (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) hands them a present left behind by dearly departed dad, which turns out to be a 24-hour resurrection spell. Due to their limited experience with magic, the spell immediately goes haywire, forcing the duo to embark on a ticking-clock quest to find a replacement element before their father vanishes again. Meanwhile, Mom and her new boyfriend, centaur cop Colt Bronco (Mel Rodriguez), try to catch up with the boys to protect them from a curse that their mission threatens to unleash.

Although we never meet Specter’s girlfriend — or, for that matter, her girlfriend’s daughter — her mention of them represents a small, but significant leap forward for Pixar, one that the studio has been building to for the past several years. In 2016, the internet went into overdrive when a trailer for Finding Dory seemed to spotlight a lesbian couple pushing a stroller through the aquarium where much of the movie’s action takes place. But the finished film never confirmed the women’s relationship, disappointing many who hoped to see same-sex partnerships featured in a major animated film. Finding Dory star Ellen DeGeneres was among the people who commented on the need for LGBTQ representation at the time. “When I heard [that speculation], I thought, ‘That’s cool,’” DeGeneres told Yahoo Movies UK in 2016. “But I had seen the movie and I hadn’t seen what they were talking about. And then I realized it was just a woman with short hair and they just jumped to a conclusion that any woman with short hair is a lesbian!”


Honestly, I'm beginning to feel like unless we strip our kids of cell phones, unplug all TV's, radios, X Boxes and prevent them from going to movies, public schools, shopping centers and over to the neighbors house who has EVERYTHING PLUGGED IN....we simply don't have a chance of raising a Conservative-Fundamental-Bible-Believer who believes that Jesus is the only way and that heaven and hell are very real places where time doesn't exist...which means eternity.

Hat tip to Julie L.

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