
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

More Third Temple News

It seems that news about the Third Temple seems to appear every few days now.  There is a growing push to prepare everything needed to build it, sacrifice animals, procure the red heifer, train the Levitical priests, gather the wood, make the garments and make the golden cups and Menorahs required.

Notice as well that Donald Trump and his "Deal of the Century" are mentioned in this article, as is talk of dividing the land.

“The trees are also a graphic message to Donald Trump and all the other world leaders,” Rabbi Weiss said, noting that this year, the Sanhedrin is planting trees in areas that are going to be surrounded by Palestinian controlled regions should the ‘Deal of the Century’ be enacted. “The Jews have returned and we have taken possession of the land, just as God commanded. The trees bear witness that the land is ours, that it is flourishing as never before, and that it is all for God’s glory in the Temple in Jerusalem. Anyone who tries to divide the land, to defile the covenant, is putting himself where no man can be, no matter how great he thinks he is.”
The Sanhedrin has initiated several projects focused on establishing Jerusalem as a universal House of Prayer for All Nations. One such project was a concert held on the anniversary of the creation of the world. Another project is the establishment of an Organization of 70 Nations. The first meeting of this organization was highlighted by a Noahide sacrifice on the Mount of Olives.
The Bible does confirm that Jerusalem will have a Temple in it when the Antichrist is leading the world.  He will declare himself to be God while standing in it. 
The Bible also confirms that Jesus will rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years and there will be another Temple present during this time.  But just to clarify, the Third Temple will be defiled by the Antichrist and the Fourth Temple will be built by Jesus Christ.

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