
Monday, February 10, 2020

Native Americans Were Mass Murderers

The Hollywood story tells us that once upon a time, there were wonderful native Americans all over North America. They were friends with the animals.  They made awesome TeePees.  They treated their wives with respect. They loved their children and they were spiritual too!  But then the white people showed up and ruined it all!!

Bible readers know this isn't true.  Native Americans are sinners too because ALL HAVE SINNED.  And without ANY Holy Spirit to restrain evil, they fell into the same satanic death spiral as every other people group.  Incest, rape, child sacrifice, worshiping devils, murder, would have been a nasty place.  So God judged them and allowed a stronger nation (European immigrants) to overthrow them and destroy their culture.

Of course as you read the story of what God told the Israelites to do when they got into the Promised Land, you will remember that there is plenty of precedence for God to allow this.

We find more evidence today that the natives were killing lots of their children to sacrifice to their demon-gods.

A popular leftist mantra suggests that European colonization of the United States was a horrible evil that displaced innocent “indigenous” people groups that always coexisted peacefully with one another. But historical reality shows that early Native Americans were actually hardened killers who thought nothing of sacrificing human children as gestures of homage to their many gods.

A recent archaeological excavation in Huanchaco, Peru, located about 346 miles north of the Peruvian capital of Lima, uncovered hundreds of skeletons that were once the bodies of children aged between four and 14. Experts now believe that this is the world’s largest child sacrifice site, which was created by the Chimú civilization that existed there between 1200 and 1400 A.D. – long before Christopher Columbus ever set sail towards the New World.

Video footage captured at the site depicts a horrific scenario in which innocent children were murdered in cold blood and buried facing the ocean as per the superstitions dictated in this ancient culture. This particular burial site was apparently created during a very wet El Niño event, as those who perpetrated this mass sacrifice apparently believed that it would help quell the torrential rains.

“This is the biggest site where the remains of sacrificed children have been found,” stated Feren Castillo, the excavation’s chief archaeologist, to AFP back in August. “There isn’t another like it anywhere else in the world.”

In addition to the roughly 250 child skeletons found at the site, archaeologists also identified the remains of some 40 adult warriors, suggesting that this particular sacrifice incident was multi-faceted. The ancient gods of this indigenous people group apparently demanded that their dead humans come in a variety of ages and life stages.

“This is horrible news for the Native American innocence myth,” writes Tyler O’Neil for PJ Media. “The very worst site for a particularly horrific form of human sacrifice – the ritual killing of children! – long predates Christopher Columbus’s first steps in the New World.”

And now today, what do we do with the reservations that these natives live on?  Most are cesspools of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, gluttony, perversion and birth defects due to mother's doing drugs while pregnant. 

Of course these folks need Jesus just like everyone else! 

Are there MORE Native Americans who know Jesus than there were 250 years ago??

Yes!  Of course there are!  And we can thank the Christian European settlers whom God allowed to gain a foothold on the East Coast some 300-400 years ago.  Christianity settled the land and built 4 churches on every street corner, in every town from New York to Seattle.

There will be very few Americans who will be able to stand at the Great White Throne and say, "But Jesus!  I never knew anything about you!  I had no idea that you were the only way!  I never thought it was important to figure out what these thousands of churches were teaching every Sunday morning!  It was all so confusing!  Come on!  Give me another chance!"

"Depart from me.  I don't know you."

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