
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Nukes That Could “End Human Race”

Jesus tells us that if He didn’t return to earth to end the Great Tribulation that no flesh would survive.  Today we saw this headline.  


World War 3 warning: Colossal nuclear weapon that could 'end Human Race' revealed

WORLD WAR 3 fears have been ramped up by the growing arms race between the US, Russia and China. Now, many are warning that a specific kind of nuclear weapon could "end the Human Race".

Nuclear weapons have been a central theme of political tensions for decades, with the world's biggest superpowers enhancing their arsenal in search of supremacy. While the deadly missiles are associated with conventional launches from military bases, they are also portable via aircraft and naval forces. As international security magazine National Interest highlights, one of the most dangerous assets seen in the biggest militaries is the nuclear submarine – and the publication claims modern submarines could “end the Human Race” as they are the “most deadly weapons mankind has ever devised".

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