
Monday, February 3, 2020

Superbowl Halftime Show

It's pretty darn funny how women empowerment is a main theme of just about all the new TV shows.  Even the Superbowl had an ad about women going to space and how women power can basically do anything!

And then we come to the halftime show.  The women performers there proceed to show us, and all the young girls of America, that if you get naked, climb a stripper pole, show us your crotch, grab your crotch and gyrate around in sexual will CERTAINLY be more famous, more desirable and make much more money than any other female on planet earth.

I was doing our weekly radio show during the Super Bowl tonight, but I was able to catch a little of the halftime show. And when I say “a little” I mean about 15 seconds because what I saw was nothing but filth, and sex and perversion as far as the eye could see. The idea that children were watching this was mind-numbing to me. At times it bordered on the level of soft-core pornography. The NFL should be ashamed of themselves, and so should any parent that allowed little kids to view it. The Super Bowl is more like a Roman orgy, so it was fitting they play in stadiums that look like a Roman Colosseum.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (KJB)

This theme of sexual perversion ran right though all the famed Super Bowl commercials as well, produced by people pushing and promoting the values of the radical Left with effeminate men, drag queens and all the rest of that garbage. With each passing year I find myself watching less and less professional sports, and now I am at the point of abandoning it altogether. What are your thoughts? Comment below. One thing for sure is, I will never again watch a Super Bowl halftime show. And no, I have not included a video of the Super Bowl halftime show, I could not post that in good conscience. Super Bowl? More like toilet bowl.


What an irony that the NFL refused to play a commercial that showed people who had survived failed abortions! 

It's official!  We now live in a land where football is our new top-god, perversion is our new NORMAL, and women are so confused that they applaud for crotch grabbers while at the same time screaming "Empowerment!"

"Their thinking became futile...."


  1. satanic symbolism in the NFL halftime show reflects the state of professional sports. Now that we have someone in the White House trying to expose the crimes of our idols and leaders, the gloves are off. I did not watch the Super Bowl or join my neighbors in celebrating this event. My eyes are on the day when the Lord returns in the clouds. Our mission is to be ready. God is awakening His people.......who is listening?

  2. I agree with you Camy! The gloves are off. I'm not sure how much longer this country can survive with half the people hating and ridiculing the other half. I hope and pray that the trumpet sounds very soon...because the cup of sin has to be about full!
