
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

When Churches Apologize for Biblical Morality

Is it REALLY wrong to hump your girlfriend before you are married?  What if every body else you know is doing it?  What if you really love her?  What if everyone you see on TV is humping their girlfriend?  As the country song says, "How can it be wrong when it feels so right?"

Is it REALLY wrong to have sex with another woman besides your wife?  Didn't they have lots of wives in the Bible?  Didn't even King David have multiple wives?  Didn't God still love David?  Didn't Solomon have 700 wives plus 300 other women in his palace...any of which he could have intercourse with anytime he wanted? 

Is it REALLY wrong for two men to hump each other?  What if they have been attracted to men all their lives?  What's wrong with two people who love each other just consummating  their love for one another?

Is is REALLY wrong for a man or woman to have sex with their favorite animal?  What if they have been attracted to animals all their lives?  What if they really love their animal and want to show their animal how much they love it?

Yes!  They are ALL WRONG!  They always have been and they always will be?  Why?  Because God said so and God NEVER changes.

Today we find that many churches around the world are apologizing for teaching these behaviors as sinful.

 If you read the Bible cover to cover, you'll see there is no ambiguity when it comes to extra-marital sex. Simply stated, it is forbidden. Sex before marriage is called fornication. Sex outside of marriage is called adultery. And marriage is defined as the lifelong union of a male and a female. That's how Genesis defines it and that's how Jesus defines it.

Church standards through history would reaffirm all these points.

All sexual relations outside the confines of marriage (which, to repeat, has always and only been the union of a man and a woman) are considered immoral and sinful.

But in today's morally confused society, right is now wrong and wrong is now right, to the point that the Church of England has apologized for reaffirming basic, biblical morality.

"We are Very Sorry" Say Archbishops After Issuing a Pastoral Guidance About Biblical Sexuality

As reported by CNN:

Top archbishops in the Church of England have apologized for guidance issued by the church last week that said only married heterosexuals should have sex -- while same-sex or heterosexual Christians in civil partnerships should remain abstinent.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop of York John Sentamu said in a statement Thursday that they took responsibility for last week's announcement, 'which we acknowledge has jeopardized trust."

"We are very sorry and recognize the division and hurt this has caused," Welby and Sentamu wrote.

The pastoral guidance statement was issued "in response to the extension of civil partnerships to heterosexual couples in the UK.

"The guidance, published January 22, said 'for Christians, marriage -- that is the lifelong union between a man and a woman, contracted with the making of vows -- remains the proper context for sexual activity.'"

From a biblical standpoint, what is controversial in this pastoral guidance statement?

Is not marriage the lifelong union of a man and woman? Is not sex outside of this union, be it heterosexual or homosexual, strictly forbidden?

Yes, the open letter states, "The Church of England has this week become a laughingstock to a nation that believes it is obsessed with sex. More importantly this statement has significantly damaged the mission of the Church and it has broken the trust of those it seeks to serve.

"We ask you to become to moral relativists and to abandon the outdated, outmoded morals of the Scriptures. And we ask you to do so in Jesus' name!"

"We ask you to consider how we can, together, build a truly radically inclusive Christian Church."

In other words, "We ask you to consider rewriting the Bible. We ask you to consider trashing the unanimous testimony of 2,000 years of Church history. We ask you to lower your standards to those of a fallen world rather than calling on a fallen world to repent and conform to God's Word. We ask you to become to moral relativists and to abandon the outdated, outmoded morals of the Scriptures. And we ask you to do so in Jesus' name!"


Really??  It's damaged the mission of the church??  What the heck IS the mission of their church?  To tell people that sin doesn't exist?  That hell doesn't exist and that Jesus died for everybody so that everybody could go to heaven?

What a joke!

Jesus, please forgive us for we know not what we do.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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