
Friday, March 6, 2020

Be Healthy! Stop Spread of Virus! Go Cashless!

The Bible says that during the final 7 years before Christ returns to set up his 1000 year reign, that people of earth will have a cashless system. If you want to buy or sell anything you will be required to have some type of mark to scan into the system. Cash spreads germs, can’t be easily tracked by governments, can’t be taxed and is used by drug dealers and the sex trade! Most young people never use it so it would be a great time to just get rid of it! Can you see how the planet is being prepped for the Antichrist?  Of course our Blessed Hope is that Jesus Christ comes first! 
Dirty cash may fuel the spread of the novel Chinese coronavirus, which is currently more than three times deadlier than the seasonal flu, the World Health Organization (WHO), a United Nations agency, warned this week.
Banknotes may be spreading the new coronavirus so people should try to use contactless payments instead, the World Health Organization has said.
Customers should wash their hands after touching banknotes because infectious [coronavirus] may cling to the surface for a number of days, the UN agency said on Monday night.
To prevent the spread of the disease, people should use contactless technology where possible, a spokesperson added.


  1. awesome job showing the truth. the only issue is the word planet.

  2. Thanks! Should I have written “the whole earth”?
