
Monday, March 30, 2020

Help Is On The Way!

I opened my email today to read this email from our Minnesota Senator Tina Smith.

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Coronavirus Update
Note: This is the second installment of my regular updates to Minnesotans on my work to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Minnesota and the nation are facing an unprecedented health and economic crisis in the coronavirus pandemic. Thankfully, with a new bipartisan assistance package signed into law Friday, help is on the way.  It will provide significant and urgently-needed help for our health care system, families and small businesses. Minnesotans are coming together to respond to this economic and public health catastrophe. Soon, families will see direct financial help, local businesses will find a lifeline, and our heroic health care workers will know we have their backs. This pandemic will touch all of us, and this effort is a major step forward in our country's response. There will be more work to do, and I'll keep working to get help to people in Minnesota and across the country as quickly as possible.
You can also find information on the latest actions to combat the pandemic from the State of Minnesota here.
-U.S. Senator Tina Smith

So what does she mean by "help"?  Of course she means "Money is on the way!"

And so I ask you again....WHERE is the Federal Government getting this money?  If they already have $23 trillion in debt that they can't pay off and they are running a $1 trillion deficit every year, WHERE are they getting this money? 

We were asking the exact same thing 10 years ago when the Federal Government increased their debt from about $10 trillion to $20 trillion in order to "help" America recover from the Great Recession.

"But Dennis!  The government should help us get through this virus and the business shut downs!"

OK, I don't disagree with that.  I'm just pointing out the obvious.  Why do you suppose the financial markets of the world will allow the USA to borrow trillions and trillions forever and ever?

Answer:  They won't.  One day the entire borrowing system will collapse and it will happen when the global financial markets start to lose FAITH in the USA.  And of course we have no idea WHEN that will be.  What is the tipping point?

Let's be real obvious for those that still don't understand what I'm saying.  Let's say the headlines came out today, "Government is sending immediate help to the entire nation!  Checks go out next week to give every American, over the age of 18, $1 million dollars to pay mortgages, car loans,  credit cards and send aside some funds for a rainy day!"

What would happen?  Why CAN'T they do that?  Hopefully, my long-time readers already know the answer.

I continue to hope that the Rapture of the church will be the STRAW THAT BREAKS THE CAMEL'S BACK.

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